Fy iechyd a'm goleuni yw

(Salm XXVII - Rhan I - Ymhoffi yn nhŷ Dduw)
Fy iechyd a'm goleuni yw
  Yr Arglwydd Dduw goruchaf;
A nerth fy mywyd yw efe,
  Rhag pwy'n un lle yr ofnaf?

Un cais a geisiais gan Dduw Naf,
  A hynny geisiaf etto,
Cael dod i dŷ yr Arglwydd glān,
  A bod a'm trigfan ynddo.

I edrych ar brydferthwch pur
  Fy Nuw a'm gwir Waredydd;
Ac i ymofyn ddyddiau f'oes
  Pa gyngor roes yr Arglwydd.

Fe'm cudd o fewn ei babell lon
  Yn nyddiau blinion drygfyd;
Na'm dryger byth
    gan lid y ddraig,
  Ar oesol graig fe'm cyfyd.

Fy mhen fel hyn a ddyrcha'r Iōn
  Uwchlaw 'ngelynion drygwedd;
Am hyn o fewn ei babell lān
  Y seiniaf gān gorfoledd.
Casgliad o Salmau a Hymnau (Daniel Rees) 1831

[Mesur: MS 8787]

Rhan II - O Arglwydd clyw fy nghais
Rhan III - Dysg imi'th ffordd O Arglwydd mwyn

(Psalm 27 - Part 1 - Delighting in God's house)
My health and my light is
  The Lord God most high;
And the strength of my life is he,
  Whom in any place shall I fear?

One request I have made of God the Chief,
  And this I will request again,
To get to come to the holy Lord's house,
  And that my dwelling be in it.

To look upon the pure beauty
  Of my God and my pure Deliverer;
And to ask all the days of my life
  What counsel the Lord has given.

He will hide me within his cheerful tent
  In the grievous days of an evil world;
That I never be harmed
    by the wrath of the dragon,
  On the rock of ages he will raise me.

My head thus the Lord shall exalt
  Above my evil-looking enemies;
Therefore within his holy tent
  I shall sound a jubilant song.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion
1 Whom should I fear, since God to me
    is saving health and light?
  Since strongly he my life supports, 
    what can my soul affright.

4 Henceforth within his house to dwell

    I earnestly desire,

  His wondrous beauty there to view,

    and his blest will enquire.

5 For there may I with comfort rest,
    in times of deep distress;
  And safe as on
      a rock abide,
    in that secure recess;

6 Whilst God o'er all my haughty foes
     my lofty head shall raise,
   And I my joyful off'ring bring,
     and sing glad songs of praise.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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